Jun 23, 2007

omfg my suitcase is exceeding the weight limit

Well, California was wonderful. Definitely worthy of several heinous application fees.

Amanda turned 21 this week. We celebrated on 2 occasions, even though I'm pretty sure they stopped carding her when she was 14 years old.
She is THE most comical vomitter of all time*. Kristin and I put her to sleep next to a bucket in a cocoon to dish towels.
ALSO this week, the Cubs took the Cross-Town series again, and we attended the Gold Cup Semi-Finals. Those Mexicans know how to spectate! ...And fist fight. ...And yam Cerveza.

*Ashley Allen being excluded, of course.


Jun 15, 2007

Santa Cruz, Stanford, San Francisco.

Jun 14, 2007

Wild About Otters (Monterey)

Jun 13, 2007

Driving up the coast.

These are pictures from the stops.
I took motion sickness meds so as to not puke in the cookie bucket the whole way up to Monterey, and they knocked me out. I'll not be posting the pictures of me passed out with my mouth gaping open. I'm sure Matt will make them public anyway.