Jul 5, 2007

Happy Birthday, America.

So, yesterday we went to Warwick. Fun time, saw a Bird of Prey show (twice). On the way back to the train station, Matthew A. Klomparens stopped to take very dramatic photos of flowers (or something) and lost the group. Several blocks later, we turned around and realized that he was completely out of sight. We headed to the station, figuring that he would make it eventually.
Riley, Kelly, and Dean went ahead to the platforms while Andy and I waited very impatiently in front... Matt's Brtirail pass was in my purse and the train was due in 5 minutes. After maybe 4 (?) minutes we hear a train whistle, Matt comes around the corner like a bat out of hell, Andy jogs over to the train and gets all limbs in just as the doors slam shut. As the train pulls away, we see Riley, Kelly, and Dean on the opposite platform waving their arms and screaming our names. Andy was then headed to God-knows-where. Matt and I ran to the pathway under the tracks and made it to the train just as it pulled up. Wanting to verify that I was in fact stepping onto a train to Oxford, I checked with a passenger standing near the door. He said "No. Well, perhaps.." and advised Matt to check on the map outside of the train. Matt did. Correct train. He got back to the train just in time for the doors to close in his face. I put my hand to the glass and called his name. It was cinemagic. I still had his train pass.

Several hours later...
The British (with some help from their American tourists) were surprisingly good at celebrating American Independence.
  • £1 Bud imports.
  • Jock Jams.
  • Sing Alongs.

I'm very proud of all of us for making it to Windsor Castle at 9 this morning. It probably helped that we stormed out of the club a bit early when the DJ refused to play Journey.

Pictures later. Nap now.


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